Refreshing GRRRRReat Greens Drink

Out in this heat, I am constantly craving cold beverages.  Daydreaming of fruit and veggie juice, I would love to park myself at a juice bar and kick back a few.  But it is really easy (and more convenient) to make a homemade concoction packed with pure nutrients to quickly satisfy your thirst.

Now before you dismiss yourself as not being the “juicing type” or not having the right appliances to pull it off, think again.  You don’t necessarily need a fancy Vitamix or Omega juicer (although these are amazing kitchen tools), you can instead simply use your blender.  You don’t even really need a recipe, it’s literally a kitchen experiment based on your taste preferences.  Use whatever you have hanging around your fridge and give it a whirl to see if the combo works for you.

Today I was craving greens, so I perused the fridge, literally panning for anything in that hue.  Here’s my nutritious bespoke drink and one you can easily replicate for you and your little one:

I call this combo GRRRRReat Greens (my son appreciates the Henry Hugglemonster reference).

Grrrreat Greens

Beautiful and delicious too!  If you are new to kale, add more apple or more honey.  If you are using organic (which you definitely should) you can also use the skin of the apple and zest of the lime.

Hip Tip:  If your produce is not organic, skip the exterior as this is where the pesticides will concentrate. 

Now off to enjoy the fruits of our less than 5 min labor, sitting on the porch with my little guy sipping in greens and sunshine.


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