
Hip & Healthy Kids, LLC is a fresh resource for decoding what is best for you and your child all while keeping things fun and hip.


“Informed, up to date, fashionable, contemporary, relevant. Being modern in dress, attitude   and interests. From “hepi,” meaning “well-informed” from   the West African language of Wolof.”

Here you can find the most fashionable, creative & unique products and approaches to make sure you are relevant and informed.  Just because you are a parent now does not mean you have to forego all that is cool.  Conversely, HHK is your new outlet to help demonstrate that you (and your child) are the pinnacle of what is “it”.  You are a trendsetter, not a follower! As a trendsetter, you must embark on not only what is visually hip, but the main core of being hip which is beneath the surface, in each cell of your body.  Understanding this crucial element is paramount, and HHK will help you on your journey.


“Enjoying the vigor of body, mind and spirit, freedom from physical disease or pain.”

Your health (and your family’s) is the most important thing you have to maintain; Everything else is secondary.  When making any decision, it is important to ask yourself “What is the healthy option?”, and to be informed (see hip) as to what the facts are, so you can answer correctly.  There is so much information out there and it is easy to get derailed from being in the know, without researching each element in depth.  Here’s where Hip & Healthy Kids comes in; as a mother and certified health counselor, I am constantly doing research on the safety of products and the environment in order to learn the facts about what I am exposing my child to and am ready to share with you the fruits of my labor (ok, pun intended :)).  Oftentimes, things are not what they seem, so it is always important to thoroughly investigate and find your truth in the matter.  Trust experts, yes but not blindly, since each child is different and their care must be customized to suit their needs and the current situation.  As a parent, it is our responsibility to educate ourselves on the entire spectrum and choose our own right path.


Hopefully I don’t need to provide an actual definition for this. 🙂  This information is not only for your child, but can be applied to your entire family.  Let’s face it; what’s good for your kid is also good for you!

Thank you for being here!

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